Friday, March 7, 2014

Nothing like a little company...

Nothing like a little company to get the blood flowing.

I've been sick with a cold that turned into a sinus infection on top of a previous sinus infection. This one had me looking like a drugged Rudolph, with the too frequent nose-blowing. I finally decided to stay home and heal. (after Mike driving me to school with lesson plans and materials) I came home and crashed.

Crashed was a mild word. I slept straight from 8 till almost 2 p.m. I forced myself to roll out of bed and eat something--knowing a headache would follow if I didn't. I looked at the skin-covered slime on the stacked dishes in the sink. Even I could smell the odor...but I was too tired to do them. I finally washed my face because I couldn't stand the grease and promptly fell back asleep.

About 5 p.m. I woke up and was very groggy, but managed to call Mike to ask for Los Tres takeout. I lay back in my chair. My face was now greasy again, but not like my hair. It was so oily that it looked wet, but I was NOT going to wash my hair that late; I could endure it till the morning...especially since I was still in my pajamas. I lay back in my chair and dozed till the phone rang. The caller ID said my sister's name. I answered it. She asked how I was. I said I was sick. (I assumed she was in Montana). Well, I was so sleepy, that it took awhile to get it through my head that when she said she had just landed and wanted to take me to dinner, that she was in Houston and not Utah or Montana and that the dinner was for today.

If you know my sister, you know there will be pictures; she is the queen of snap shots. I looked at my face in the mirror. It was sad. There were dark bags under my bags. I looked at the house. It was clean except those scummy dishes. I had one hour.

Long story, short: I was up, out of my pjs, showering, dressing, doing dishes, putting on makeup, and ready when she got here about an hour later. Mike got food and brought it to the house for them. We had a nice visit...and the picture (I knew would happen) did. "Two sisters, who see each other once a decade". We had a nice, but short visit before they had to leave since they have to get up early for classes and a cruise. So nice that they came. So nice that I had the day off to rest. And so nice that one, once sleepy, grimey, 'sicky' could be transformed in an hour.

1 comment:

texansusan said...

Lol... Mom. It's amazing what a little adrenaline can do!

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...