Thursday, February 27, 2014


I do lunch duty every day. This week they moved the disabled students to my side of the cafeteria right next to my table. This week I have seen a little boy...maybe 3 years old, have a mother and father come to feed him at lunch. They hug, they stroke, they make a special organic food. If the mom isn't there, the father is. I went over to talk to the dad and he says they come every day. I was commenting on how special I thought that was to another aide and she said that when we had the fundraiser run (laps =money) that dad came to help his son and ended up carrying him lap after lap while the dad walked the laps. I think the Lord reserves special parents for those special spirits.

Name Holder

 In the dream, I was a teenager (somehow) teaching or a part of the class of teenagers. Anyway, I was up front, and they looked to me for di...