Tuesday, March 11, 2014

New things

Monday--Surprise to me...no rental car was planned. For some reason unknown to me, Mike had planned for us to use public transportation and borrow people's cars if we wanted to go anywhere. Definitely not my style. So needless to say, when I had to walk to change the transit system and sat down with my purse, then left without my purse, only to discover it gone when we were halfway to Provo, I blamed the transit system. Mike pointed at the book I was reading and said, "I blame that." Mike had to get off, ride a train back to the platform, then get the purse, then ride the train back. Yes, and a little part of me was glad he left it on the train when he got off. Luckily, Linda asked where it was. Even luckier, Provo was the end of the line and Mike could get back on to get it. Yes, I blame his Iphone for that one. Well, I had less than a dollar in coins gone, my pack of gum, and about 10 gift cards to restaurants taken from my purse. Oddly enough, they also took all my pens. Thank heavens my keys, temple recommend, my debit and credit cards were still there.

Got to see Lydia. Got to see Maddy, Hannah, and Abigail all racing around upright on their knees to copy me "kneewalking' across the room. When they said that was a strange way to walk, I told them that is how grandmas walk, so they spent a giggling 5 minutes copying me. Racing back and forth. They said they were playing outer space...and the chair was their space station or base. I told them the couch was Jupiter. They looked at me oddly. I realized after watching them that space to them means aliens.

Tuesday--All plans went awry. Mike had my cold from last week. He was sneezing nonstop with a nose running like a dripping faucet. We did not visit anyone. We stayed home and made a quick trip to the store for kleenex, medicine, etc. for Mike.

Things I didn't know that I learned: 1. My dad's mother was a member before she married. She married a nonmember. She did not remain active during the first part of their marriage. At one point, they lived in Ely, Nevada during the mining era. Something bad got in the water and two of her sons, my dad's brothers, died within 2 days of each other after drinking the water. She was pregnant with another child and after the deaths, they promptly left Nevada for California. The child was born, but died when she was four. At that point, my grandmother decided she needed to go back to church all the time. By the time my father was born, she was totally active. When my father was 5 years old, he got blood poisoning in his leg and his leg was so swollen and the poisoning so advanced that he was rushed to the hospital. My mom had my father's sister, who worked for the phone company as an operator, track down the missionaries to come to the hospital and administer to my dad. The hospital was a Catholic hospital, so when the Mormon missionaries came, the nuns held up a sheets to make the annointings private. My father was completely healed and sent home the next morning with nothing wrong. My grandfather was so grateful for my dad's healing after having had 3 children die, that he investigated the church and joined shortly thereafter.


texansusan said...

Interesting stories about your Grandpa's family.

Lomal said...

A legacy of faith that continues to bless our children. Love you.

Lomal said...
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Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...