Sunday, April 20, 2014

The price of New

I usually have Mike drive me when I go shopping. I hate shopping, but I hate traffic even more. But he was out of town. I almost got in 3 accidents and I would have been the cause of all 3. Thank goodness for a store driveway the other car swerved into because it was going fast. The other time, my sandal got caught on the brake and I couldn't press down till I got it unstuck and I got it out just in time because I was turning left trying to make the light, only to find the other cars stopped. The other, was I turned the wrong way and pulled out on a blind curve. Luckily, the other car could stop in time. BUT, I finally found my perfect dress at Dillards. A mint green dress. It is so beautiful I could wear it as a mother of the groom. I felt like I had the most beautiful dress of all in church today. Not that it matters, but I haven't bought a new outfit for a long time.


texansusan said...

Now I know why Dad prays so fervently every morning that you both will be protected... you need it! Lol. Glad you're safe! Glad you got a new dress. :)

Lomal said...

It's a very pretty dress.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...