Monday, October 5, 2015

things I want to remember from babysitting this weekend

1. The humor of watching Mike unsuccessfully chase after Gunny (Gunner) several times in the house, when all he needed to do was stop, sit, and the dog would run to him.

2. Wondering why Olivia kept pulling her front hair and twisting it, until Mike told me that is what I do and she was copying me.

3. Watching Lizzy be a mother to Olivia. I saw her be Janet, to Olivia. It let me know how sweet of a mother Janet is.

4. Getting stuck trying to climb under James's bed playing sardines. Finally getting out and then watching the remaining children come to the room and Olivia's smiling eyes popping up between the bed and frame. Yep. She gave it away. And I don't want to remember pulling a muscle when I tried to unsuccessfully hide under a dirty laundry pile.

5. The children all sleeping in the same room so they could go to sleep.

6. Listening to Olivia say, "I hate the night." and, when I came in to comfort her after putting her to bed, she said, "Don't want this Grandpa. You go out. Want other Grandpa." We finally got her to differentiate grandma and grandpa when we left.

7. Watching the children come down to hug their parents when they returned.

8. Not being fast enough to get to Olivia before the Legos were dumped, the plants were dumped, the potato sticks were dumped, the picture frame stripped of it's picture, climb to the handrail of a slide to do the splits on top with outstretched hands posing, knocking over a block building, raiding Clara's jewelry box, etc. Faster than a speeding bullet, this whirlwind of destruction can charm your heart.

9. Listening to Olivia sing in her crib.

1 comment:

linda said...

Awe, wish you were here to watch my kids. They don't dump out plants ;)

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...