Saturday, October 10, 2015

Something learned when I taught Laurels...Linda

Occasionally, one of my daughters compared herself to her sister and came out on the negative end in her eyes. (As I say, it was only in her eyes, because having a different voice doesn't mean it isn't as good in its quality for that kind of voice.) Our family tends to have the kind of talents that people can see...or at least they make sure people can see them. Having so many children, so close together, so similarly talented or interested in the same talents, it was hard to make sure everyone had equal opportunities to learn, perform, and feel happy about their talent. Susan, by sheer birth order, was always ahead, and since she loved and was self-motivated to compete and perform it was easy for those coming after her to compare their existing state to hers. Some of you didn't have the same drive, but had the same love for that talent and were similarly talented. There came a time in two of my daughters' lives that they thought of themselves negatively and thought they had no talent. I tried to overcome those times and failed miserably (the secret admirer tapes to Janet--LOL). Linda, had talent, but somehow thought she didn't. There were several times she vocally asked why she didn't have any talent. There were classes in Young Women's when she would come home and say she had no talent. Nothing I would say could deter her from her own lack of self-worth. I remember telling her she had talents that weren't the kind you could display or get awards. (That went over like a lead balloon.) But I had an experience when I taught the Laurel class that gave me the answer I never gave her...and I would like to give it to her now.

Linda, I was teaching the lessons on the divine qualities we inherit from our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. We listed them on the board. We talked about how we could  nurture and find those qualities that could be so buried. As we listed qualities found in the scriptures, such as empathy, nurturing, compassion, kindness, tenderness, charity etc. I realized that you did not have to hunt for those qualities, they were your gifts, your talents. You scoffed at my telling you something similar to that when you were a young woman, but when I looked around at all those outwardly talented girls, I realized that you had been given the greater talents. They were the talents that the other girls sought, but you already had them. They are evident in all that you do. I thought how blessed I was to have a daughter already so much like her Heavenly parents. I knew that was your mission, to be a wonderful mother, since you were given those gifts. I watch you use them every day.

Yes, Linda, you can read music and have a beautiful singing voice. Yes, Linda, you can write the most beautiful poetry. Yes, Linda, you have the ability to be a great leader. Yes, Linda, you have a talent for decorating. BUT, most important of all, Linda, you are a daughter of God with all those Divine characteristics evident, nurtured, and entrusted to be a partner with your Heavenly parents to parent your own children. I am so proud to have you as a daughter. I am so happy you are who you are. I know that you have trials of the flesh, but Linda, you have more of the Divine in you than you know and it was given as a gift to you to overcome the flesh, for your mission as a mother, and to be a light and joy to all you come in contact with. We feel that love, Linda. We feel the joy that you give us. I hope you feel it yourself. I love you, Linda.


linda said...

Thanks mom <3

Lomal said...


Cheryl said...

I feel so unloved now... Just kidding! Lol.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...