Sunday, December 29, 2013


Went to church with my mom and dad. I'm not one to enjoy other wards, I like to go to my own, but I people watch. I try to pick out who the parents or children of the speakers are by their expressions.

Anyway, as the sacrament prayer was said, the enunciation was crisp, with perfect expression, in one of those voices of announcers on TV, etc. All through the prayer I was wanting to see who was saying it. It was an older man...who also ended up being one of the speakers. Wow, what a speaker. He was the ultimate story-teller. It ended up he was a professor at BYU. On the way home, I told mom he should go into drama or acting and my mom said that is what he teaches at BYU. Turns out that he has taught one of my nieces, who loved him as a teacher.

We came home after sacrament meeting because that is all dad can handle health-wise at this point. I took a long nap, then Mike did. We had Taco Soup with my parents.

Later, we picked up Cheryl and went to Linda's house. Linda had asked for a father's blessing. It was very special and Dave was there to help. Cheryl watched the children. We all had tacos at Linda's home and talked.

1 comment:

texansusan said...

That's funny about the professor... and cool.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...