Saturday, December 28, 2013

Early day of rest

Mike was sick. I read the book on mom's shelf, the biography of her great-grandmother. Wonderful stories. Mom and I were talking later and she told about a time she was in a choir at BYU for graduation. The graduation speaker was President David O' McKay. After the graduation, he turned around to shake the hand of every singer in the choir. When he got to mom, he held her hand longer than everyone else's, asked her name, and after hearing her name (Pauline Hanks), he looked straight into her eyes and asked what she had done to honor the heritage of her name. I didn't know that was why she has searched her genealogy so fervently all these years.

My brother, Brian, came over to visit. We talked for a couple hours. It was so nice to catch up on memories and each other's families.

Cheryl came over at 4:30 to pick me up and take me to babysit for Linda and Dave so they could celebrate their anniversary. Originally, Mike and I were going to babysit, but since he was ill, Cheryl volunteered to pick me up and come with me. It was so nice to spend time alone talking to her after Maddy and Will went to bed. It was also nice to watch her efficiency in handling all three children. She really didn't even need me there. She is such a good mother. I am so amazed at how well all my children parent the children they are given.

So now I'm home and can't go to bed because I didn't take my medicine. It will be awhile before I can lay down.

1 comment:

texansusan said...

That's a neat story about Grandma!

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...