Sunday, December 15, 2013


Our Sunday school lesson was on the whole armor of God and the teacher listed each thing and what it represented. One of the people asked why the feet were shod with the" preparation" for the Gospel of Peace. Why was it the preparation? Here are many answers. 1) One, the one that was in a talk by Harold B. Lee had to do with the things we learn in the early conversion of the Gospel. I capitalized on that, saying that the basics are what is taught in Primary. If you don't have the basics, you don't have a firm foundation to stand on. 2) Another person talked about a preparation being an ointment that is applied to the feet, such as the oil applied to the feet of the Savior and wondered if there was any symbolism there. 3) Another person talked about another person said that peace in the temple...where every one of the separate items listed in the armor of God is also mentioned. I was very struck with that statement, and will probably study it more to find a connection.

When I was visiting teaching in my old ward, I talked with one of my sisters and we got to talking about all the lonely people in the ward. We both could not believe how they could be lonely because we both are very happy to be by ourselves. Well, it has been almost 2 months now...and I am happy being with myself, but I came to realize that neither that sister nor I were lonely because we both had callings where we associated and cared for others. When we moved to this ward, they were very friendly...and they still are, but Mike got a companion and home teaching route the first week we attended. We've had home teachers visit us twice and Mike is all over the map doing things for his families. In addition to that, Mike has a calling he has had for 2 weeks. He has even taught the High Priest's lesson. I don't have a calling. I don't have visiting teachers. I don't have a visiting teaching route. So when I go to church...yes, they are friendly, but I just sit. I have nothing to do. I wonder how long a person would continue to do that without going inactive? I realized that I really need to have a calling.

That being said, I looked at my home and realized that everything I wanted it to be is not done. Then I had a thought come to me that until I prepare my home, I will not be ready to serve in my calling. So, I have a week till I leave for Utah and I will be hanging pictures, opening boxes, putting up drapes, etc. Everything needs to be in its place...and we are still not out of the other house. Getting closer, but not there, yet.


Lomal said...

Good summary on the armor lesson. Love you.

texansusan said...

Lol Mom... enjoy your time off. But, yes, I enjoy having callings as they help me feel useful and fulfilled.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...