Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Memories of this Christmas

1. LMHO when Mike, who was engrossed in an online movie with earphones, saw a steward come down the aisle and didn't bother to see that he didn't have drinks, but popped his earphones out and asked for a cup of ice and a can of tomato juice. The look on the steward's face was priceless.
2. LMHO when Mike and Dave were struggling to know what to do with my father because he can't walk without help and it was icy. Then there was my elderly mom, walking alone  behind them, holding a hot casserole in one hand and my father's walker in the other. No one helping her.
3. Meeting at Linda's home to witness the baby blessing of Joshua David Mitchell. I was impressed by the way Dave took charge and conducted the meeting as if it were a church meeting. It was so nice to see my frail father in the circle with Dave, dad, Justin, and Dave's brothers.
4. Seeing my sister, Joanne and brother, Brian. I haven't seen them for years. So nice to sit and talk.
5. Monday evening at Magleby Fresh with my sister, nieces, nephews, and their families,  daughters' families, my mom and dad, my brother, Brian. I'll remember that when Jake came out as a santa in dredlocks to call names of the grandchildren to give them presents, Cheryl's children sniffed with an air of arrogance, "We know that is not the real Santa."...and had to be instructed to go and get the present. The baby, Benson did not want to go. Maddy screamed at the top of her lungs, "I don't want presents. I don't want presents!" and started crying. Will was just plain indifferent, but took the presents. No pictures of children sitting on his knee. That bombed. The games were not as hilarious as have been in other settings...except the human-sized stuffed ice cream cone even the children did not want. But the best part of the night was next. We went to Jake's home and the adults just sat around and sightread Christmas choral music from folders. It was so fun. I loved it.
6. Holding my grandchildren, one at a time...or more. Joshua is just a drooling, fist-munching cutie, who loves to be held.
7. Watching everyone unwrap presents. I especially liked the little sacks of presents that Will bought at his school store. He was so excited to see everyone open them. I remember my children doing that when they were little. One present in particular was when Hannah had opened a book and I wanted her to see that there was a CD of it at the end of the book, so I directed her to look in the back. When she got there, she gave a huge intake of air and breathed out a squeal of delight. "A dust jacket!" She announced. (What is that? We adults all questioned.) "It covers a book to keep out the dust," she replied.
8. Everyone pretending to eat 'pork', ask for 'pork' etc. because two children at the table hate ham, but love pork and they were asking for 2nds and 3rds of 'pork' we all grinned.
9. Seeing my nieces and nephews with their spouses and babies as they came over for dessert later in the day.
10. The dazzling blankets of diamonds glistening atop the snow when the sun came out.
11. Seeing old friends, Larry and Kendell, and Bro. Hughes.
12. My dad. He is very frail. He makes purring noises when he breathes. He sleeps a lot. When he has to recall to tell a long story he stumbles over the words--trying to remember the vocabulary and details. But, when he speaks directly to you, he is alert and makes sense.  He has to eat soft foods or liquids and lean over to swallow. It is a long process and he is just skin and bones. He walks with a walker and needs a lot of help to get in and out and up. He was in the circle to bless baby Joshua. When Mike and Dave knelt down to bless baby Joshua when he was sick, my dad knew exactly what was going on and was trying to kneel on the ground, too...till they realized he was also participating and brought the baby over to him. I know it is hard to be old,  but my dad is recovering from hip replacement, a lung infection, and has a growth in the back of his throat that prevents him from eating real/normal food. He also has the beginnings of memory loss. I am so glad I came to be with him. He loves everyone who visits and just clings to their hands with tears in his eyes thanking them for visiting. Mom and dad live in a ward that watches over them. I am so glad.
13. My mom is giving everything of value away. She offered me the Danish china, each one that is hand-painted, but I found out Warren wanted them, so I said Warren could have it. She offered me my choice of silver antiques. I chose the candlesticks because they remind me of Les Miserables. She has so much to give away that belonged to her relatives. I read some of their histories. I am just amazed at what they have gone through because they joined the church. One ancestor had been blind for 4 years due to the measles and the missionaries on the Isle of Mann had the ward fast for 24 hours...and as the meeting closed, she could see again. They immigrated to the United States to go to Nauvoo with the Saints, but they landed in New Orleans first. She described the horrible slave trade. She told of a new mother and her baby pleading with her mother to buy her and her baby so they could stay together and her mother said if she could, she would, but she had no money. What a sad thing to witness. There is such history in my mom's possessions with all the journals, pictures, and genealogy she has. We really need to scan all the photos and put them on a CD for everyone.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...