Friday, October 25, 2013

Everything I like... either a dairy product, involves sugar, and beef. Well, I've been sick for 7 weeks now and so my doctor did some blood work on the 2nd visit. On the third visit, he spent about an hour with me. He has taken over my life. He took me off everything I like. He took me off dairy products. He took me off sugar products. He took me off red meat. What else is there? Gone are my pity parties with a pint of Blue Bell. Gone are my teacher queso runs. Gone are all my favorite dishes at my favorite restaurant. What will I eat? Where will I go? How can I socialize when there is nothing I can eat? I went to my restaurant to eat and had to study the menu for a long time before I ordered chicken fajitas and ate one serving on one tortilla. (Thank heavens I can have guacamole.) And my choices of cafeteria food...eew. They definitely have's just not my taste. I am balking at one thing. I am not ready to give up my regular milk. We had quite the argument in the doctor's office about it, but when I'm out of his office...he just doesn't need to know. He thinks I am going to fax him my exercise log and blood pressure every week. NOT. I'll wait till I see some weight loss and hope that will suffice.


linda said...

Why the red meat? No dairy helped me feel better and have more energy for the strict month I tried it, but it didn't help me lose weight. So, why is he limiting your foods?

Gingergram said...

My blood sugar is high and my bad cholesterol is 'off the charts'. He is trying to keep me from being diabetic.

Cheryl said...

Oh mom. Thank goodness for guacamole at least. It's the best tasting healthy food in the world I'm positive they'll have it on a serving table in heaven right next to the tree of life!

Cheryl said...

Okay, I just reread this post and the comments and have to say that I'm very surprised you seem unconcerned with extremely high cholesterol. I know addictions are difficult no matter the type, but I sincerely hope you can overcome this specific addiction and heed your doctor's advice. You might not be ready to give up foods posing a potential danger to your health, but I'm not ready to lose my mom. High cholesterol is not the way to go out of this life! You were meant for so much more! Love you.

texansusan said...

I have been reading this book called "Eat to Live" and I have to say, I agree with everything your doctor is saying, even though it will be difficult to do. The reason I started reading it is because there have been some hugely obese people or diabetics who are sick all of the time in our Stake. All of the people who have read and stuck to this way of living have lost a dramatic amount of weight, cured their diabetes or other ailments, and seem to have so much energy all of the time. I'm half way through the book but am ready to try it. It's pretty much only eating food that has the highest nutrients: so a lot of fruits and vegetables. (No red meat, dairy, or refined or processed foods, including sugar.)

I had a difficult time getting off of milk too because I drank a TON of it. Try the So Delicious Unsweetened Cocunut Milk. It's a little different than the one Dad uses and is the closest I've found to regular milk. I know it'll be a hard journey following your doctor's advice, but I think it'll be worth it to not be sick all the time and live a better quality of life. I think your headed for a lot of future surgeries and heart attacks if you don't follow his advice. I'd hate to see you go through that. Good luck!

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...