Saturday, September 7, 2013

OK. My first post was 5 years ago on this blog...and it was still there...with my same username as Xanga. So I guess I am just starting up using this site. Not sure how to link to anyone or set up my site...but I'll get there.


linda said...

Go to google, click the view more link, then click on blogger. On the left under following, you can click add. Then just copy and paste links for blogs and they will show up in your feed. I am still figuring the rest out.

texansusan said...

When looking at my blog, I clicked on Design in the upper right-hand corner, then Lay-out on the left side bar, then add gadget where I wanted it to show up, then I scrolled to Blog List and added it, and then I added the blogs to the list. It automatically will tell you when they've posted which is super nice.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...