Thursday, April 28, 2016

Green Smoothies and Hypothyroidism

So...I have lost 15 pounds...then today, gained one. On Eat to Live! It has been a bad week. My mood swings and temperament with the students has definitely been out of control. As I sat...(eating my quesadilla--yes, beef quesadilla) I thought and thought how the timing of everything was coming down to the diet. I remembered being this way when I forgot to take my Synthroid medicine. I remembered this being how another lady was when her Thyroid gland was messed up. I went to Google and typed in 'vegetables that cause Hypothyroidism'. What do you know. Just about everything in the green smoothie makes my body not absorb the Thyroid medicine. I just thought you should know if you are on thyroid medicine that the diet may be OK, but the smoothie ingredients may mess up your Hypothyroidism.


Cheryl said...

Good luck. Don't give up!

Cheryl said...

Good luck. Don't give up!

texansusan said...

Sorry Mom. I heard you have to eat an unnatural amount for the green veggies to actually affect your thyroid... I'm sorry it happened to you. I actually feel way better when I have green smoothies. I think they're so much healthier than all of the other junk I used to eat, which are surely also affecting my thyroid negatively, that on green smoothies my thyroid gets way better and I have more energy and am happier. I guess every body is different. :/ Sorry.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...