Thursday, April 28, 2016

Green Smoothies and Hypothyroidism

So...I have lost 15 pounds...then today, gained one. On Eat to Live! It has been a bad week. My mood swings and temperament with the students has definitely been out of control. As I sat...(eating my quesadilla--yes, beef quesadilla) I thought and thought how the timing of everything was coming down to the diet. I remembered being this way when I forgot to take my Synthroid medicine. I remembered this being how another lady was when her Thyroid gland was messed up. I went to Google and typed in 'vegetables that cause Hypothyroidism'. What do you know. Just about everything in the green smoothie makes my body not absorb the Thyroid medicine. I just thought you should know if you are on thyroid medicine that the diet may be OK, but the smoothie ingredients may mess up your Hypothyroidism.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Things I don't want to forget about this visit...

1. A sweet, precious Capri Elise. Love, loved to hold her.
2. in dad, trying to appease a howling 2-yr. old who woke up from his nap too early, offered him to go outside for a walk. The tears instantly ceased and he held Mike's hand as they went out the front door, whereupon, Mike realized he didn't have a hat. He dropped the 2-yr. old's hand, said, "You stay right here, " and promptly shut the door on him. The howling resumed. I went to the rescue. Mike came out with the hat and started on the walk...with a poor 2-yr. old's hand reaching to me and eyes that said, "Don't let me go with him, he might leave me."
3. Watching Emma play soccer. We had to keep yelling for her to look at the ball because she was so busy getting the attention of her team mates so they could look over at her grandparents. That being said, she managed to get back 'in the game' with our reminders.
4. Learning (after giving Carter the smallest piece of pizza, him refusing it and wanting the biggest piece of pizza, then asking for the smallest piece again, then refusing it a 2nd time and asking for the medium piece which he carefully investigated, refusing it and finally taking the last piece), that he has to have perfectly whole, round pieces of pepperoni and no strings of cheese hanging off.
5. Learning (after 30+ years of marriage...and folding my husband's garments and carefully lining them up in his drawer) that I put them in the wrong order. You see, he slides the unused formerly-folded ones to the right and places the newly folded ones to the left so that he can take the oldest folded one first--kind of like the can rotation racks--in order to wear them all an equal number of times. Yes, this was very funny to me--who slops mine in, unfolded, hoping the drawer will close.
6. All the frogs Grandma Albertson is making for her great grandchildren. What a nice thing.
7. The flooding this week. Five days off of school. Lots of fine homes that have never flooded, did. Neither of our homes came close to flooding.
8. A special experience reading the first verse of Enos after I had remembered negative things about my father. The spirit told me that what he had done to teach me the gospel made him great in the eyes of the Lord. The parts I was remembering were things that happened because he had an imperfect physical body. I cannot be the judge. I can only praise him for the good and pray to forget and forgive the bad.
9. Lucky us, we got to visit after the throwing up and illness...and we at least got to see everyone in S.A. I hope we were some help...which was the object of the visit.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...