Sunday, February 14, 2016

One of the oddest things I've done...

When I blow my nose, I wipe the inside of each nostril before I put the Kleenex up.
When I chew gum at church, I put the gum inside a Kleenex before I play the organ.

Well, I was chewing gum...and put it in part of a Kleenex. Then I blew my nose on the other side and apparently the inside nostril wipe was too close to the gum because there was a stretch of gum stringing from my nostril. This was horrible because the bishopric was giving announcements and I knew I had to play the organ soon. I turned my head away from the congregation's view and began picking the inside of my left nostril because the nose hair had gum sticking to it. Little stretchy strands of gum stretched out with each pick. I was panicking, but I thought I had it all out before I had to play the opening hymn. After the sacrament, I went down to sit with dad and imagine his look when I asked him if I had gum in my left nostril and I lifted it up to him. He stared at me with this quizzical look after he answered, 'no', and realized what he had answered. I then told him what had happened and he tried hard not to laugh out loud in our meeting.


Cheryl said...

Well I laughed out loud, but at least it was in the comfort of my own home. Love you.

texansusan said...

Haha... I just laughed out loud! What a great story... I'll have to share with the kids.

Lomal said...

You just can't make up stories that good. Love you.

David said...

Funny. Do you keep chewing gum at church now?

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...