Sunday, November 22, 2015

Nothing Wavering

Today in Sunday School, the lesson was on James...and of course, the James 1:5-6 scripture came up. I have quoted it at least a hundred times. As I rattled off "nothing wavering", I guess I have thought of it as meaning something akin to being strong in our faith. Well, today the teacher described incidents where people have prayed a prayer, received an answer, followed the answer, and when things go wrong, they question their answer. How many of us do that? It was surprising how many raised their hands in class. We all do it at some time. That is when our faith is wavering.

I recall a time when my faith was wavering about a previous decision I had acted on. I questioned my previous answer so much, I asked for the answer again. When I received it again, it was strong. "How could it be so strong, when the action I took seemed so wrong?" I thought. Rather than go against this doubly confirmed action, I went to the Lord and wrestled for a blessing. I said, "I know Thou dost not lie. Thou hast told me to do this action, so I know that good will come of it and it is not happening. I am casting my burden on Thee and pleading for Thee to make up the difference. Give me the success I need in this venture."

And He did. And He has done this over and over again.

Life is hard, but when we act in faith, nothing wavering, the Lord is bound to bless us. It may not be exactly the way we thought or in the time frame we thought, but He will not let us fail if we follow what He has told us.

The Sunday School teacher also showed this video clip. If anyone thought they were failing but persevered and did not give up it was this person.


Cheryl said...

Good insight. Love you.

texansusan said...

It's definitely a difficult concept to master.

Lomal said...

I like that it is not just about sin, but about not following the light and truth and inspiration the Lord gives us.

linda said...

Sometimes I find it easier for me to not question what I have felt I should do if I imagine worser things might have happened then what bad things may have happened as a result of me following my promptings; or in a lot of cases when I feel following promptings made no difference I will think of that possibility as well. You never know.I don't even know if that makes sense how I wrote it. Lol.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...