Sunday, September 28, 2014


No, I'm not talking about those nightmare-producing earwig things in Star Trek 2, I'm talking about waking up with a song playing over and over in your head.

I've had that before, like when I've been the Primary chorister and been memorizing a song that I've sung over and over. I've had the song so stuck in my head that when I've gone to sing it, I'm on the perfect pitch...and I just pretended that I did have perfect pitch when in reality it was that song playing over and over in my head.

Well, I've gone several years without that happening on a regular basis, but the last year I have woke up every morning with a different hymn playing in my head. Sometimes it is a little known hymn and I go find it in the hymnbook because I sure don't know all the words. I Googled it to see if anyone else has that phenomenon. Yes. A psychologist calls it a brain loop with several songs rotating, repeating through the brain. They call them earworms.

After reading the description, I don't think that is what I really have. I believe that somehow, someone is helping me sleep. I feel that somehow, someone is bringing me peace in the morning. They are always hymns. I don't listen to music before I sleep. I haven't even played them in years. It is something I want to continue.What tender mercies.

1 comment:

Lomal said...

That peace is the first thing I thought of when you told me about this. Heavenly Father knows how much you stress over things and how much music relaxes you. As you said, what a tender mercy and what a gift of love. Love you.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...