Sunday, June 1, 2014

From my Sunday notes...

Dallin Oaks, We have faith in the future, and we are preparing for that future. To borrow a metaphor from the familiar world of athletic competitions, we do not know when this game will end, and we do not know the final score, but we do know that when the game finally ends, our team wins.
"Sacrifice means giving up something we love for the God that we love more."

Blessing jar--filled with answers to prayers or special tender them at the end of the year.


"And Thus we See" in the Book of Mormon (in other words: "and now, here is the lesson that is important for you to learn.)


texansusan said...
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texansusan said...

I especially like your first quote in light of the crazy Spurs win last night... goes right along. ;) (J/k.)

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...