Monday, May 12, 2014

Another answer to a prayer

I've been trying to teach decimals for the last few days without any aids or curriculum...all the while, knowing I had a box somewhere in the garage with decimal games, aids, and flash cards. I had been searching the boxes in the garage for 3 days with no avail. Finally, I decided it was worth a prayer...and I did. I went to the garage to search some places I hadn't been before, but passed a box I had been through and had a feeling I should go through that box. I knew there was nothing in the box, so I went ahead and emptied out a few other boxes, not finding anything. When walking by the same box again, the thought to search it came again. Well, I'm not that dumb. I decided that if I had been urged to look into the box twice, I should--even though I knew it was not in there. So I reluctantly pulled the box off the stack so I could go through it and lo and behold, the box underneath had the decimal games and flashcards. I still have two more things to find, but I am so grateful for the answer to my prayer.


Lomal said...

And what a great lesson. The Lord may send us to a dead-end (from my post yesterday), because He know we have something to learn. He might have to send us to the same dead-end several times.

texansusan said...

Yea for answered prayers!

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...