Sunday, April 27, 2014

To do: scripture research

Occasionally I get this prompting to write down a story I remember from my life...and I don't. Or in church I get a prompting to bring up something at our next family gathering. I decided to start posting what I remember to do, so I can actually remember to do them.

Today's lesson was on Hyrum and Joseph Smith. What got me, was the teacher saying that she thought of her sister 6 years younger and asked herself what kind of sister would she have been if her sister had been the leader of something? Would she support the good cause and stand by her side, or would she be competitive and try to put her down so she would be the leader? We started thinking about siblings in the scriptures that were examples of each ( i.e. Lamen and Lemuel vs. Nephi, Moses and Aaron, Nephi and brother later in the scriptures). Which one would you be? I want to look this up. I want to research this. I felt that we needed to have the characteristics in our family of support and not competition. So my report will be at our next family gathering.

I thought of my sister, Joanne. She is actually 6 years younger than me. She has had her own set of trials. Trials I would never want. But she is such a positive, loving, sharing sister. Whenever I am negative/critical, and I tend to be, she always sees something positive. I am so blessed to have her as a sister. I wish we lived closer.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The price of New

I usually have Mike drive me when I go shopping. I hate shopping, but I hate traffic even more. But he was out of town. I almost got in 3 accidents and I would have been the cause of all 3. Thank goodness for a store driveway the other car swerved into because it was going fast. The other time, my sandal got caught on the brake and I couldn't press down till I got it unstuck and I got it out just in time because I was turning left trying to make the light, only to find the other cars stopped. The other, was I turned the wrong way and pulled out on a blind curve. Luckily, the other car could stop in time. BUT, I finally found my perfect dress at Dillards. A mint green dress. It is so beautiful I could wear it as a mother of the groom. I felt like I had the most beautiful dress of all in church today. Not that it matters, but I haven't bought a new outfit for a long time.

Some of my previous discontinued Blog Transcriptions

April 2010  T oday was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling f...