April 2010
Today was a student's last day in my class. Yesterday, when we were on 'silence' (waiting for the last straggling finishers of Math TAKS in our hallway) my class was finished. To keep my class quiet, I let them draw at their own, separated desks. Unbeknownst to my departing student, I had whispered to every student (but him) that the drawing paper was to write him a letter, make a card, or just draw something for him...but that it was a secret surprise. Some students immediately put up their partitions to hide their work, while others meandered over to the boy and asked him his favorite color. The students were so excited I don't know how they kept it a surprise, but after today's Reading TAKS was over...my students were told they had to just read. Then, I handed the soon-to-be-departing student the packet of cards/letters from his classmates. When he opened the packet and realized what they were, he grinned from ear to ear. All eyes were on him as he pulled every student's card out one at a time to examine and read. It was just a joy to watch his face, but even more heartwarming was to watch the face of each particular student whose handiwork he was holding. They'd just beam and turn to everyone else to mouth or motion that he was looking at their card. I just loved watching how much joy they got out of what they had done. I have missed so many opportunities in the hurry and scurry of test prep to just let the children be children, to let them practice serving and doing for each other...to feel joy in doing good. It seems that would be the more important lesson in life.